Wednesday, October 14, 2009

President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize: A World Class recognition or a premature selection?

Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in promoting relations with Arab nations and construction of a better understanding between worlds.

Recently on the news, it was broadcast the the Nobel selection panel has award President Barack Obama, of the United States, the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel prizes are given in many areas that lead to world class excellence. Obama was nominated, along with 208 other nominees, just two weeks after his inauguration into office for the Peace Prize. There seems to be arising oppositions to his recognition because President Obama barely entered office and was up against 208 other nominees that worked extremely hard for years in promoting peace and equality among nations.

The juxtaposition that President Obama meets with his advisers about the current war in Afghanistan and receiving this compelling honor the same day questions many active citizens of the United States, and citizens of the world. Does Obama truly deserve this award for his caliber, or is this decision too premature because there hasn't been and success yet thus far.

From my point of view, President Obama is a wonderful man, and he is a symbol of America's "Change" in perspectives all around the world. People all around the world focussed on the 2009 presidential election as a sign of hope. When former Senator Obama took on the win to become the next President of the U.S., it introduce a new era of expectations for new constructive institutions and actions to better the world in economic areas, war, and relations with other countries.

However, I feel that the decision for President Obama to accept the award should have been dealt otherwise. I understand that the panel has selected the President for his efforts to promote peace and relations in Arab nations, but it was too soon to tell because he hasn't even been in office for a year. He wasn't even elected as President a year ago. Also, how could they consider him for this award when he was just nominated after being in office for two weeks. The man was still getting oriented with his executive duties at the moment.I'm not saying that he's not a great guy, I actually believe that he does deserve a Nobel Prize, just not this time because it's too soon to tell.

I've seen other people who've been trying to promote peace for years that qualify just as much as President Obama. For example, every time I take a trip to Washington, D.C., I find myself in the presence of an old lady, a refugee from Russia, who protests by herself in a little corner, in front of the white house, on the mall, or anywhere she can speak to people. She barely speaks English, but she protests about the construction of nuclear weapons and she delivers the message to end it. She brings with her pictures, signs, and various items that showcases the dangers of nuclear weapons in the east and with the little English that she speaks, she is able to connect with the people on the streets and tell her story, causing people to shed tears. After her story, she asks that we do as much as we can to promote peace and end the construction of nuclear weapons. With her, she carries a peace sign that followers are allowed to take pictures with and deliver her message.

This is a women with a caring and courageous heart who does as much as she can to make a difference in the world and promote peace. In my opinion, she has placed as much effort her tiny little old body allows her to, and have touched the lives that she has came in contact with. She as well had the same qualifications as President Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize and could have received the honor just like him. In fact, it seems to me that because she has been doing this for a number of years and has devoted her life to it, she might deserve it more.

I'm not saying that the prize should have been given to her; I just believe that there must have been someone who was more qualified and has made a greater impact and difference than President Obama currently.

The proper thing that President Obama should have done was sincerely decline the Award. He accepted the Award on behalf of America, showcasing that we are on the road for a change. Yes, America is grateful for such recognition, but if the President would have declined the award, it would show to the world that America is on a road to recovery and promoting peace, but we aren't satisfied until we achieve such goal. When that day arrives, then can we be more happy and prideful in President Obama receiving the award.

This is the peace sign that I encountered when listening to the old lady protest. Behind me is her display used to support her protest.


  1. I honestly think President Obama does deserve it. I mean when i look back on his campaign and when i see the way he brought people of all races to come together and support him, they put away petty differences because they believed in change and they believe in him. I do think that President Obama gets disrespected on way to many accounts. I think people have stepped way out of line and it seems like just a hint of racism. However your point is very valid and i could see were you could be right.

  2. I can understand from your point of view as well. I strongly believe that President Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, I just believe that he should have declined the award. I feel that doing so, it will show his humble attitude and I bet later down the road, when the time is right, he'll once again be given the award, and then it would be more gratifying.

  3. But if he declines the first one why would he except the next one? The Nobel Peace Prize is no little award. It's not a BET lifetime achievement Award. The work that President Obama has put in he outstanding to say the least.

  4. Tristan, I appreciate your comments and I do agree with you on some level. This is great that we can discuss our common and opposing views on topics such as this, outside of the pop world. Well, I guess the conclusion we could both approach is to agree that we disagree!

  5. Wait a minute, Tristan, I'm not done yet, Obama received the award for his plans in bringing better relations among Arab nations and the rest of the world. What if his plans turn out to be detrimental? Then, if it does turn out to be detrimental, does he still deserve the award for a mission that wasn't accomplished? If it turned out detrimental, wouldn't it give the president, and the United States a bad name or image? And what if the Nobel panel decides to revoke his recognition? Wouldn't that be awful to be known as the president of the country and got his international award revoked? I don't mean to play the devil's advocate, but seriously, that's why I said he should have declined the award as precautions to situations like this one.

  6. Great discussion gentlemen!

    Can the Nobel Peace Prize be revoked?

    I can really see both of your positions here.

    Personally, I don't think he should have declined the prize, although I like the argument that says we are not yet where we want to be on the path of peace.

    I think that President Obama was humble in his acceptance, which was appropriate.

    It is quite alright for us to agree to disagree. In an academic environment, I think the goal is to grow in understanding. I think you both make very valid points.

  7. I think President Obama did the correct action by accepting the Prize because there is no way that one person would turn it away.This award gives America a little recognition. Now I think that Obama did the right thing by giving away the money that the committee gave him and donating it to charity.
