Thursday, November 12, 2009

Crazy Weather

The weather has been crazy lately, no wonder the squirrels are running around with bewilderedness! It was cool last week, and then it was hot two and three days ago, now it's freezing raining and my immune system is getting confused. Grrrr... this weather is crazily obnoxious. We better be getting a million feet of snow this year!


  1. Yea I know, this weather is insane. I am from maryland so I am kind of used to it but still, this past week and now have all been wild. It was hot the other week and now this week its freezing and has been raining for the best several days. I just hope that this weekend it is nice outside because no one likes to walk around in the cold while it's raining.

  2. I wish it stayed warm like it was this Sunday and Monday. I did not see any squirrels today. Poor things aren't even sure if they stored their food at the right time of year. I wonder if or when it will snow down here. I am from New York and this weather has been very crazy. I appreciate the random warm days very much though!
